Just after a bit of advice. I currently work for a company who i have a linked in profile designed around. It details the services i offer for that company and just basically portrays my professional life.
However, i wish to start up my own business aswell as this, but want to keep it completely seperate and unassociated with my works profile. I do not want people who see my seperate busness to think i have any other obligations taking up my time. My question is how do linkedin stand...
Multiple Linkedin Accounts?
Just after a bit of advice. I currently work for a company who i have a linked in profile designed around. It details the services i offer for that company and just basically portrays my professional life.
However, i wish to start up my own business aswell as this, but want to keep it completely seperate and unassociated with my works profile. I do not want people who see my seperate busness to think i have any other obligations taking up my time. My question is how do linkedin stand...
Multiple Linkedin Accounts?